life of the godfAther

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

bluetooth and chiggers

so this post could be called "the stupid things I do"...but for now let's get to it. i've been out of sorts ever since i switched form the treo 650 to the motorolla Q. thought of grandeur(spelling?) and fleeting and lost in the sea of smartphone to mac sync inability. that's right, i get this new Q phone and it's great, but i fail to recognize that it won't sync with my computer, a mac. but just last night, i found the missing sync. finally the software is released that will forever bond my phone with my computer so i bought it and synced it....crud, now i either have duplicates of every single appointment over the next 10 years or the ones that were entered in my phone are now deleted. it's funny how quickly that the little techy thing that is meant to make my life easier and more connected will now end up costing me a week to fix.

so what is this picure about? well, last monday me and christian decided to head off in the woods and pioneer a little. you can probably tell by the title where this is going. when we came out of the woods i said, hey let's wrestle in the grass. then we took a picture to remember this brief initiation. every part of my body that touched grass was completely covered in chigger bites...huge red itchy bumps. for a week i had to use anti-itch lotion just to sleep. next time we may just play a video game.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

count the cost

i've always believed that you should count the cost before you do anything...whether or not that translates into my everyday life is a different story. in fact, those words are from Jesus as it pertains to following Him. pretty heavy stuff. anyway, like i said before you should always count the cost before big decisions, committments, purchases, etc... how many times have i gotten myself into something, or over committed myself only to think to got it. anyway, kari and i found this great new recipe for flank steak sandwich. sounds delicious!! the only problem is that it can be hard to find flank steak and since it's a tough cut of meat, even harder to find one that's tenderized. well after a week i finally found one at albertsons and i was excited. the butcher showed it to me and i of course asked him to tenderize it then once he re-wrapped it i happily strode to the check out lane with my new cut of meat. upon checking out i noticed the price...$17!!!!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!! now don't forget, i'm the guy that avoids eating at restaurants that require tips and i always order save money. anyway....i was like, holy cow, a $17 flank steak from the store, and i can't take it back, i've had it tenderized. crud! oh well, the moral is, count the cost before you bring the meat home!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Kids finally home

is this not the most awesome thing ever? anna and christian just love little alexander. here's a pic of them holding him. i love this...our growing little family.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

1st day home

i have to admit. i'm not nearly as freaked as i thought about having a 3rd child. i fully expected to be "outnumbered" and feel overwhelmed but to tell you the truth..having Alexander feels as natural as driving my jeep. we got home today and it was nice and quiet...thanks to kari's parents keeping Anna and Christian for a couple days(thanks mimi and poppy). we can't wait to see them, they've been gone since friday and all they've been talking about is the new baby. 1st day home was great. i made lunch and 2 diff people brought us supper. i've got a couple errands to run tomorrow but mostly just getting adjusted to adding another person to our house. that's weird to think...kari's parents have 3 childrens, the Rizzo's have 3 children, lots of grown-ups i know have 3 we have 3 children!!! holy feels so official and ...old. anyway, here are a couple pics of my little man at home. he's a stud. thank you Jesus for another beautiful and healthy baby. what a gift.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Alexander is here!!!

the moment has arrived! Alexander Paul LeBlanc. 6lbs 14 oz. 4:56am. we're completely exhausted(kari more than me) but glad that Alexander is healthy and full of blonde hair.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

baby on the way

ok, so we're in the hospital. it's currently 9:12pm. and we're getting ready to have the baby. i'm pretty fired up...although i'm already a little tired. kari just had the epidural..she is much happier now. this is our 3rd child but i have to tell you i'm just as excited as the first. i suppose we're a little nervous too. our family is growing and now we're outnumbered. we're officially entering the "better be worth it cause otherwise i'm not leaving the house" phase. the boys will share a room and we have no plan of ever upgrading our house. at this point i see more bunk beds, and trundels, ultimate storage systems(thank you neil jackson) and room sharing in the future. oh well...hopefully i'll post a picture of alexander when he arrives.