life of the godfAther

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


ok, so we've had our share of problems with our live webcast as well as our on-demand sermons...and by problems, i mean it hasn't worked at all lately and our entire archive of past sermons somehow disappeared! thank God we kept a back up. so if you've tried to log in lately and been unable to do so, i appologize...but in our defense, the world of web and online-ness is a crazy crazy world and it's confusing(at least it is to me) and a quite fact, when one thinks of all the steps that a video must go through to end up on your computer( cameras, camera control, switcher, techy-looking tv gear, computer encoder, cat-5 cable, power lines, local hub, more hubs, more power lines, modem, cat 5, router, computer and decoder, ahhhhh bliss, it's on your screen) it's a miracle the blasted video, or internet for that matter ever works at all...i mean Al Gore invented the thing for cryin-out-loud!!! anyway, it's fixed. today, thanks to brother josh, we switched to a company to host our videos called vital stream, a very reputable company and we are expecting significantly less fact as we speak, it's 10:22pm and fazha is testing the system at his house...should be up and running for wed night service, but definately by the weekend...Praise Him!!! BUT DON'T QUOTE ME!!! as i was writing that, josh chimed in and IT'S WORKING!!! but like i said, don't quote me...the internet is a crazy crazy world. vital stream pwns!!!!


At 9:09 PM, Blogger danohlerking said...


i can't wait to see the new setup.

and may the grass grow greener where ait once was in our system.


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