life of the godfAther

Thursday, June 15, 2006

29...fatter, slower, and weaker!

my 29th birthday has come and gone. and to tell you the truth, it was great. i've never been the type to feel diff because of a birthday or get depressed or sad cause i'm getting older. my depression sets in when i try and do a push up and nearly burst a blood vessel in my forehead...then my elbow locks up and I end up needing some sort of surgery...that's when i feel old. not because of a birthday. it's like i always say, you're not getting're getting fatter, slower, and weaker. anyway, my father-in-law arranged for someone in the NISD to open the police firing range sunday afternoon so we went and shot about 5 or 600 was great (i love my glock .45)..then kari made some of lori latuso's famous strawberry cake and we all got fatter. family, friends, food and guns...a perfect redneck birthday.

p.s. this is for all the parents out there. christian is exactly 2 1/2 years old. yesterday, he decided all on his own that he wanted to be potty trained. so...he is now potty trained and we did nothing!

Here are a few pics from my pizza party last friday c/o Colleen.


At 2:30 PM, Blogger Carole Turner said...

Ah, to be so young!


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